Aerospace System Testing at Aero17

The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) held the bi-annual Aerospace conference on May 16-18, 2017 in Toronto. The conference offered a great opportunity for aerospace enthusiasts from industry, academia, and government to learn
about the latest research and developments being conducted in the aerospace community.

Over 300 delegates attended, and a total of 180 oral and interactive presentations were given across six categories: aerodynamics, aerospace manufacturing technologies, aerospace structures & materials, aircraft design & development, human factors, and propulsion. The conference also included several panel discussions and a keynote lecture on aircraft icing. Read more about the conference here.

Daniel Pirog, CTO of Aversan, presented on the transition to model-based system verification approach to aerospace system testing. This approach provides an effective means of finding more problems earlier in the project lifecycle and reducing the overall cost of an escaped defects. The exhaustive verification of control details, fault detection and reconfiguration is delegated to a System Integration Lab (SIL). The SIL uses hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing to integrate controllers with real-time simulations for the plant. Read the full abstract here.

To receive the full version of the white paper on aerospace system testing using a model-based approach sign-up to our newsletter. A copy will be emailed to our distribution list when available.

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