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Dimensions – CareFirst

Aversan implemented a build-centric Dimensions process to support concurrent development, merging, build automation, deployment and possible future integration with TeamTrack. Dimensions build was setup for FEPDirect application. We also setup Rich Eclipse for RAD7 and SCC for Robo help. Aversan streamlined the code retrieval process by exporting preferences to file, resolving build path errors and build order issues. Aversan mapped deployment areas to release paths and setup Dimensions for manual deployment. A single Post Deployment script was developed to automatically overlay configuration files in EAR files dynamically based on region deployed to; supports production and test, totaling 38 areas. An FTP provisioning script was also developed to deploy Post-Deployment script to all areas in seconds. Dimensions product for configuration file management was setup with automatic deployment for immediate updating of configuration files on FTP server running on Dimensions server.

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